Our Mission

To provide science teachers with support systems of scientifically researched, sustained, and high intensity professional development and mentoring to assist them in the implementation of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS). Our programs equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage students in meaningful science learning experiences. Activities are designed to improve students’ scientific thinking, their mathematical and technological literacy, and interest to pursue science and engineering related careers.


  • Professional Development Academies (PDAs) are provided to Instructional Teams that consist of professors of science, mathematics, and engineering education, instructional specialists and master teachers.
  • Professional Development Programs designed by instructional teams at each Regional Collaborative provide 100 contact hours of TEKS-based professional development to prepare teachers to become Science Teacher Mentors (STMs).
  • Honoring the Teachers events recognize and honor participating teachers and engage policy makers, legislators, and state leaders in the program.
  • The Annual Meeting brings together teacher leaders, education and business leaders, policy makers, and legislators to share, network, communicate, and celebrate the achievements of the Collaboratives.

Contact Information

Fredericka Brown, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Co-Director, UT Tyler Science TRC
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Email: fbrown@uttyler.edu

Michael Odell, Ph.D.
Co-Director, UT Tyler Science TRC
Associate VP for Sponsored Research and Director of Federal Relations
Email: modell@uttyler.edu

Donna Wise, M.Ed
Project Manager, UT Tyler Science TRC
Faculty Associate – UTeach Master Teacher
Email: dwise@uttyler.edu